2001-Current : Professor of Art, Lakeland University, Shinjuku, Japan. Teaching : Drawing, Photoshop, Illustrator, 2Dimensional Design (Mickstuff channel has some of the video based tutorials if interested ;)
(2016 saw Mermaids Reflect and Mermaids Reflect : Blue, finally printed when joining the Glasgow Print Studio.
I used to collect Japanese prints (’hanga’) but it was only after I’d made Mermaids Reflect that I realized I’d used the hanga color pallet, funny how you absorb stuff without knowing;)
1996 - Current: UX (User Interface) design and programming of educational iPhone applications. See "Word-Scape" on iTunes.
2008 - Current: Professor, Department of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University, Takadanobaba, Japan. Teaching: Regional Studies (Comparative culture). Also produced iPhone vocabulary building app for first years: “Word-Scape”
1997 - 2007: Art Director/Multimedia Researcher for The Fulbright Memorial Fund Japan: responsibilities for website design and maintenance, book layout, magazine layout, science exhibition and character design and animation.
Learned a lot of 3D skills here which led to trying out some 3D versions of the mermaids project.(Link follows later).
1994-1995 Art Director, EigoMedia (now eigoTown), various interface design and graphics work.Learned quite a bit about 3D mapping and modeling.
1993-2001 Freelance Designer: areas included website design, photomontage and various other stuff.
Did some development work on the mermaids project in Illustrator.
1988 - 1991: International Design & Engineering, Various products, Ricoh Corporation , Responsibilities for interface design and office automation products.
Also developed the mermaids project with a program called Canvas which allowed for some interesting color experimentation.
It was while working here that I fell in love with the Mac , also was quite lucky at work to use a dedicated mini computer for CAD. Got my first Mac at home: MacII with 33MHZ Daystar Accelerator - bees knees at the time, worked on Running Man and put Mermaids into Illustrator.
1985-1988: International Design & Engineering, Various products, Seiko Epson Corp: Office automation and associated products.
Didn’t produce much in the way of art projects but did have the dream (while living in Matsumoto) that started the creation project (link follows later).
1984 - 1985: FL Center, Shibuya; English Instructor ( included some fun work taking the Foreign Ministry (gaimasho) 2nd secretaries through month long intensives ;)
(Started work on Mermaids Reflect as there wasn’t many hours doing this job initially. Japan at the time was a bit difficult to get a visa for - especially a working visa so I was lucky to get this job and luckier to afford the time to doodle with the mermaids project)